The NSS project in experimental design constitutes a collaboration between three different Institutional University Collaboration programmes, IUC-JU (Jimma, Ethiopia), IUC-UNALM (Lima, Peru) and IUC-Cuenca (Cuence, Ecuador) under the umbrella of the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR-UOS). The main objective of the NSS project in experimental design is to establish expertise in statistical research planning at each of the contributing universities. This should lead to research of higher quality, specifically within the IUC programmes, but more generally also within the university as a whole.
Different activities are undertaken in the context of this project:
(1) Development of a database with cases of different designs from the IUC programmes(2) Development of course material (Sylabus, slides, datasets, programmes) for practitioners (3) Development of course material (Sylabus, slides, datasets, programmes) for statisticians (4) Providing workshops in statistical research planning in the three IUCs and beyond (5) Establishing an R-team that seeks solutions for complex designs (6) Enhancing virtual experimentation tools